Lights Out

Lights Out缩略图

Description 📃

Lights Out is an engaging puzzle game that challenges players to turn off all the lights on a grid. The grid is comprised of cells that can be either illuminated or dark. By clicking on a cell, players toggle its state, as well as the states of its neighboring cells. The ultimate objective is to discover the correct combination of cell clicks that will turn off all the lights on the grid, leading to victory. This mind-bending game will test your problem-solving skills as you strategically plan your moves to achieve the desired outcome. Can you unravel the mystery of the lights and emerge as the conqueror of this captivating puzzle?

Let’s Play Now.

Functionalities 🎮

  • The game starts with a grid of lights, where some lights are on and others are off.
  • Clicking on a cell toggles the state of that cell and its adjacent cells.
  • The game provides feedback on the status of the lights (on or off).
  • The game keeps track of the number of moves made.
  • The game can be restarted at any time.

How to Play? 🕹️

  1. Start with a grid of lights, where some lights are on and others are off.
  2. Click on a cell to toggle the state of that cell and its adjacent cells.
  3. The goal is to turn off all the lights on the grid.
  4. Keep clicking on cells until all the lights are turned off.
  5. The game ends when all the lights are off, and you win.

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